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Fantasy Landscape

A Galaxy Ruled by Bureaucracy...

For as long as anyone can remember, The Hegemony has ruled the galaxy.  Several planets simultaneously developed FTL travel, resulting in a quick alliance that allowed their joint forces to quickly expand and dominate.  The Hegemony places harsh restrictions on any and all of its citizens, most of all those who serve in their armed forces.


Lately, however, the edges of The Hegemony have begun to fray.  What was once a prosperous empire, with state of the art ships and equipment, is now showing its age.  Hegemony ships litter, sometimes literally, the galaxy, frozen time capsules of a long gone era.  Unable to support such an enormous territory uniformly, they have begun to abandon properties and personnel, while still keeping a tight grip on the earliest acquisitions.  



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Those That Seek Change...

The Confederation is a loose amalgam of planets that have wormed their way out from under Hegemony rule.  Either they were never strategically valuable, or Hegemony influence has faltered to the point that they have claimed independence.  Their entire alliance is uneasy at best, with each planet seeking gains for themselves, but loosely aligned with others who wish to see The Hegemony dismantled for good.  



And Those Who Don't Care...

Meanwhile, there are average people from planets throughout the galaxy that don’t want a part of this fight.  Free port space stations are bastions of commerce, no matter who is selling what to whom.  Entire planets live, willfully ignorant of the goings on in the galaxy around them.  Privateering has quickly become a lucrative market, with services such as CosmoQuest cropping up to fill certain niches.  Space travel and even FTL travel is now widely ubiquitous, meaning any average citizen can join a crew and make a living however they see fit.  


However, rumblings of war are never far off.  There may come a time where standing idly by is no longer an option.

Create Within the
World of Hegemony!

Write a story or create art within the Hegemony universe and share it over on Facebook!

Hegemony is a sci-fi fanfiction setting open to all writers created by Clinton W. Waters.  

Please include "Based on "Hegemony" by Clinton W. Waters" if works are to be published



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